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Saturday, October 4, 2014

McConnell LibrarY

Database Menu
McConnell Library Web
McConnell Sreaming Server
Sports Medicine and Exercise Science in Video
Women and Social Movements in the United States
Rehabilitation Therapy in Video
Oral History Online
Manuscript Women's Letters and Diaries
Social and Cultural History
North American Immigrant Letters
Health and Society in Video
LGBT Studies in Video
Early Encounters in North America
Education in Video
Alexander Street Anthropology
Birds of North America
Chronicle of Philanthropy
Columbia Granger's
E&E News
Electronic Enlightenment
Encyclopaedia of Islam Online
Focus Medica
Gale Trials
International Bibliography of Art
Latino Literature
Material ConneXion
McGraw-Hill eBook Library
NBC Learn
North American Indian Drama
Nursing Education in Video
Palgrave Connect
Plunkett Research Online
Political Reference Suite
R2 Digital Library
Reference Universe
SAGE Knowledge
Vanderbilt Television News Archive
World Shakespeare Bibliography
Annals of otology, rhinology & laryngology
Bowker's book analysis system
CyberPsychology and behavior
Institute of Food Technologists
Harvard Educational Review
The Lancet
Neonatal network
Nursing Times
Science news
Serials Solutions RU Search Web
Project Career Case Studies Software
VIVA e-journal titles listing in VCU
CrossRef DOI links
20th century North American drama
AACR Education Book
AACR Meeting Abstracts
AAII journal
Academic library trends and statistics
Academic Market Research
Accessible Archives (Civil War)
ACM journals
Acoustical Society of America
Acoustical Society of America Echoes
AdForum Creative Library
African American song
African arts
American Chemical Society
America History & Life or Historical
American film scripts online
American film scripts online ebooks
American journal of physiology: Gastrointestinal and liver physiology
American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology
American journal of physiology. Renal physiology
American journal of science
American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
American Journal of Physics
American Library Association
American National Biography
American Naturalist
American Physiological Society
American song
AMS journals
An ASA online journal
Annual Reviews (search all)
Annual review of anthropology
Annual review of Astronomy and Astrophysics
Annual review of Biochemistry
Annual review of Biomedical Enineering
Annual review of Biophysics and Biomolecular Structure
Annual review of Cell and Developmental Biology
Annual review of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Annual review of Ecology and Systematics
Annual review of Energy and the environment
Annual review of Entomology
Annual review of Fluid Mechanics
Annual review of Genetics
Annual review of Immunology
Annual review of Materials Science
Annual review of Medicine
Annual review of Microbiology
Annual review of Neuroscience
Annual review of Nuclear and Particle Science
Annual review of Nutrition
Annual review of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Annual review of Physical Chemistry
Annual review of Physiology
Annual review of Phytopathology
Annual review of Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology
Annual review of Political Science
Annual review of Public health
Annual review of Psychology
Annual review of Sociology
AP Photo Archive
Archives of general psychiatry
Art Full Text (WilsonWeb)
ARN Publication
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD)
Atypon -- Guilford and other Publications
Automotive news
BE Press (Berkeley Electronic Press)
Berg Fashion Library
Biochemistry And Molecular Biology Education
BioOne [electronic resource]
Biophysical journal
Blackwell Reference
Books in Print
Bowker's Global Books in Print
Britannica Online
C19: The Nineteenth Century Index
Cabell’s Directory of Publishing Opportunities
Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA Illumina)
Cambridge University Press
Cataloger's Desktop
CCH Internet Tax Research Network
Chadwyck-Healy databases
Chicago Manual of Style
Child and adolescent psychiatric clinics of North America
Child maltreatment
Choice Reviews Online
CIAO-Columbia International Affairs Online
Classical music library
Classification Web
Cleft palate-craniofacial journal
College And University
Consumer news & reviews
Contemporary Music Review
Contemporary Women's Issues
Contemporary World Music
COS (Community of Science)
Counseling and Therapy in Video
CQ Researcher
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics
Credo Reference
Criminal Justice Abstracts
Criminal Law Reporter
Critical Care Nurse
Dance Collection catalog [New York Public Library]
DeGruyter Online
Diabetes care
Digital Theatre Plus
Dow Jones Interactive
Dow Jones News/Retrieval
DSM Premium
Eating disorders
EBSCO Online journals
EBSCOhost Web
Ecological Society of America
eHRAF archaeology
eHRAF Collection of Ethnography
eHRAF World Cultures Beta
Electronic journal of mathematics & technology
Emerald Library
Encyclopedia of social work
English woman's journal
Ethics & behavior
Europa World
European journal of finance
Experimental Biology & Medicine
Families in Society
FIAF, the International Index to Film Periodicals Plus
Films Media Group
Films on Demand
FIS online
Foreign policy
GaleNet - Galegroup
Gale Power Search
RIA Checkpoint
GeoScienceWorld (for SEPM temporarily)
Global Access
Google Scholar
Grant Select
Greenwood Daily Life Online
Grove Dictionary of Art
GSA Special Papers
Guilford Publications
Hawthorn Press
Highwire Press
Historical Statistics of the United States
History Cooperative
Homeland Security Digital Library
Ideal (Academic Press)
Ideal (Academic Press)-old
IEEE Xplore
Informa Healthcare
InfoTrac Searchbank
InfoTrac Web
Institute of Physics
Intellectual and developmental disabilities
International index to the performing arts full text
International Journal of Athletic Therapy & Training
IPA Source
Journal of accountancy
Journal of adolescent research
Journal of applied social science
Journal of Cell Biology
Journal of clinical oncology
Journal of drug issues
Journal of human behavior in the social environment
Journal of nursing education
Journal of quantitative analysis in sports
Journal of social and personal relationships
Journal of social service research
Journal of Studies on Alcohol
Karger Online
Keesing's record of world events
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates - LEA Online
Leisure Tourism
Literature Online (LION)
M.E. Sharpe Journals
Management science
Maps 101 Academic
March of Time
Marketing science
Mary Ann Liebert Online
Medicine, science and the law
Medieval feminist forum
Memory & cognition
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Mergent Horizon
Mergent Online
Minerva Medica
Molecules and Cells
Molecular biology of the cell
Mosby's Index
Music Index
Music Online: Reference
NASPA journal
Nation Digital Archive
National Council of Teachers of English
National Science Teachers Association (NSTA)
National Strength and Conditioning Association
Natural Standard
Nature Publishing Group Journals
New River Valley News & Views
Niles Register
Nineteenth Century Collections Online
Nursing Consult
Nursing research registry
Nutrition & Food Sciences
OCLC PURL Service (Persistent Uniform Resource Locator)
AAPG Bulletin
Alan Guttmacher Institute (Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health)
American journal of psychology (University of Illinois Press)
Ammons Scientific (Perceptual & Motor Skills, Psychological Reports)
Applied and environmental microbiology
Association of Rehabilitation Nurses (Rehabilitation nursing)
Broadcasting & Cable
Business Week
Chronicle of Higher Education
Cleft Palate–Craniofacial Online journal
Clinical Laboratory Science
Economic Geography
Educational Leadership
Essential teacher
Evolutionary ecology research
Journal of Accountancy
Journal of biochemistry
Journal of Chemical Education
Journal of family practice
Journal of food science
The Journal of general Physiology
Journal of information systems
Journal of instruction delivery systems
Journal of Sedimentary Research
Journal of the West
Physical Therapy
Physics Teacher
Police Chief
Public Personnel Management
Publisher's Weekly
Review of regional studies
Science News
School Library Journal
US Government publication
OT Search
Oxford Art Online
Oxford Classical Dictionary
Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church
Oxford Dictionary of National Biography
Oxford English Dictionary
Oxford Islamic Studies Online
Oxford language dictionaries
Oxford Music Online
Oxford Reference Online
Oxford University Press Online Journals
Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica
African Affairs
Age and Ageing
American Law and Economics Review
American literary history
Annals of Botany
Annals of Occupational Hygiene
Applied Linguistics
Applied Mathematics Research eXpress
Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology
BJA CEPD reviews
Briefings in Bioinformatics
Briefings in Functional Genomics and Proteomics
British journal for the philosophy of science
British journal of aesthetics
British Journal of Criminology
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society
Cambridge Journal of Economics
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society
Cambridge Quarterly
Capital Markets Law Journal
Cerebral Cortex
Chemical Senses
Chinese Journal of International Politics
Community Development Journal
Computer applications in the biosciences
Computer Journal
DNA Research
Early Music
European Journal of Echocardiography
European Journal of Orthodontics
European Review of Agricultural Economics
Human Molecular Genetics
IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis
Industrial and Corporate Change
International Journal of Law and Information Technology
International Journal of Lexicography
Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology
Journal of African Economies
Journal of biochemistry
Journal of design history
Journal of Electron Microscopy
Journal of Environmental Law
Journal of Experimental Botany
Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice
Journal of International Criminal Justice
Journal of Islamic studies
Journal of Logic and Computation
Journal of Petrology
Journal of Plankton Research
Journal of Refugee Studies
Journal of the IGPL
Journal of the London Mathematical Society
Journal of World Energy Law & Business
Law, Probability and Risk
Literary and Linguistic Computing
Literature and Theology
Logic Journal of IGPL
Molecular biology and evolution
Molecular Human Reproduction
Molecular Plant
Nicotine & Tobacco Research
Nucleic Acids Research
Occupational Medicine
Opera Quarterly
Oxford Bibliographies Online
Oxford Economic Papers
Oxford Journal of Legal Studies
Plant and Cell Physiology
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society
Publius: The Journal of Federalism
Quarterly Journal of Mathematics
Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics
Radiation Protection Dosimetry
Reports of Patent, Design and Trade Mark Cases
Review of Financial Studies
Schizophrenia bulletin
Systematic Biology
Teaching Mathematics and its Applications: An International Journal of the IMA
Trusts & Trustees
Twentieth Century British History
Year's Work in English Studies
Palgrave Macmillan
Passport GMID
PBS Streaming Video Collection (Low res)
PBS Streaming Video Collection (High res)
Perceptual and motor skills
Periodicals archive online
Perioldicals Index Online (old: Perioldicals Contents Index)
Physical Review
Plant Cell Online
Plant physiology online
Population Index
Praeger security international
Project Ideal
Project Muse
Psychiatric annals
R2 Digital Library
RDA Toolkit
Rehabilitation Nursing
Resources for College Libraries
Registry of Nursing Research
RILM Abstracts of Music Literature
Royal Society of Medicine
Routledge encyclopedia of Philosophy
Routledge Performance Archive
Rural Education ISsue Digest 2000 (added after error report accessing from Reserves)
Safari Bookshelf
Sagamore Pub
Sage Publications
ScienceDirect Web Editions
Slack Incorporated
SLACKinteractive (Gait Tutorial)
Smithsonian Collections Online
Smithsonian global sound
Sports business journal
Springer-Verlag (SpringLink Contemporary, former Kluwer Journals)
SRDS Media Solutions
Standard and Poor's NetAdvantage
State Stats (Radford University Streaming Server)
Taylor and Francis
Teachers college record
Testing and Education Reference Center (Gale)
Theatre in video
Thomson Research
Trusts & estates
Twentieth century North American drama ebooks
Ulrich's Guide to Periodicals
University of California Press
University of Chicago Press
University of Illinois Press Journals
American philosophical quarterly
Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education
Value Line
Virginia Economic Indicators
Virginia Henderson International
Waterloo Directory of English Newspapers and Periodicals, 1800-1900
Web of Science (ISI)
The Wellesley Index
Wiley Online Library
Windows Live Search
World development indicators
WRDS (Wharton Research Data Services)

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